Happy Fall
I hope everyone is well.
LOTS of notes and reminders. Please read the entire Office Bulletin. Thank you.
ANNUAL FALL CLEAN UP IS THIS SATURDAY, November 5. Out on your street!
Yard waste bags will be available in the salt bins at the pathway,
Yard waste bags will be available at the office,
Yard waste bags will be available on your street!
There will be no formal sign in this year.
** Clean up is the same Saturday each yeaer. It co-ordinates with the leaf pick up, before Remembrance Day.
Please remember:
All households are to participate in clean up (except if you are sick or have to work)
All yard waste bags are to be placed IN FRONT OF YOUR HOUSE AND READY FOR Tuesday morning pick up. Please do not put yard waste at the garbage hut!!
FURNACE FILTER – please remember to change your furnace filter on a regular basis. Check it to see if it is dirty. If you are not able to do so, please ask the office for help.
SMOKE ALARMS – are only good for 10 years. Same for carbon monoxide detectors. Please check the dates.
SHUT OFF AND DRAIN both the backyard water supply and garage water supply.
A/C circuit breaker to be set to the “OFF” position. COVER your outside air conditioner.
HUMIDIFIER -make sure the filter and cath tray is clean or replace the filter.
HUMIDIFIER WATER SUPPLY – is turned on and the humififier is “ON”.
CLEAN all debris from the back yard that would be used by wildlife for “Nesting”.
**NO GREASE – NOT AT ALL DOWN YOUR KITCHEN DRAIN. Remember that a drain back up is due to you putting grease down the drain. It is a terrible mess in your house.
Visitor parking is a sore paint with many members.
We are obligated to provide visitor parking. We have exactly enough visitor spots in accordance with the City of Toronto.
Certain members are cheating – still. Certain residents are cheating – still.
Our secutiy firm is reviewing the protocols for towing, at the request of the Board. More details will follow.
Thank you to everyone who pays their housing charge on time and in full. It is appreciated.
E-transfer of housing charge is due on or before the first of the month. If it is receoved after the first, it is late and due a $20.00 late charge.
** If you smell gas (smells like eggs), please call Enbridge and 1-866-763-5427
Thanks to all those at 245 who have been so accommodating about having their inspections done as scheduled. There are still a few to do, but overall, they are complete. THANKS.
Thank you to all the Social Committee and everyone who joined in the Halloween festivities on Sunday evening. From all accounts, a great time was had by all. THANK YOU!