Hello everyone,

I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend – had an opportunity to have some fun and enjoy the great summer elements.


As always, a few notes and reminders:

  • A reminder that the by-laws state you cannot grow any cannabis in your unit.  This is grounds for eviction.

You can grow up to 4 cannabis plants per household in a unit’s backyard.


  • We are looking for a new lock up person.  It entails locking the office at 10:00 p.m. each day and opening the office on weekends and loaning out of equipment.   You would be responsible for one week out of five. Please message the office if you wish to volunteer.


Visitor Parking

There are some members and their long term guests, who still refuse to remove the visitor parking pass from their window.  There is really no need for us to patrol for this – it is a rule that you agreed to when you moved in.  Remove the pass in any vehicle that you drive.


The Co-op has stepped up security for your safety.  You will see the security firm here more often patrolling, into the night.



            There are many garden areas throughout the Co-op that need tending.  We have areas that need to be weeded, trimmed, cut, planted, watered and so much more.

          How can you help?  If you are unsure, message the office.  There are lots of areas that we really need your hands on efforts.

          245 looks really good thanks to volunteers.




Every year, every unit should be inspected.  Because of Covid and a lack of enough volunteers,  we are falling behind.

We need you to come forward and offer your time for the inspection committee.

If we had to hire a service to do this, the cost would be about $200.00 per household.  That would mean an extra $200.00 on your housing charge.

Please call and volunteer.  We really need some men on this committee as well.




Ticks, Coyotes and Dog Poop

          There have been a couple people report that their dogs have had ticks on them.  Be aware.  Any person out in any grass at all, should be using OFF with Deet.  It is the only way to protect yourself.  Pets – get a prescription from your vet.

Coyotes have been seen at 245 and an the basketball court at 209/215.  Be aware.  I am told that you should make noise to try and scare them off.

DOG POOP – lots of it around the property.  Please, basic and simple respect for others –PICK UP.  All along the boulevard and the property along 209/215 if full of it.  Thanks.


Get ready – the Social Committee will be around selling tickets for Father’s Day Baskets.  Please be kind.  Please be generous.


** If you have a dog or two or a cat or two – the By-laws state you must register them with the Co-op.  Please check the recently passed Pet By-law for further details.  It is your responsibility to ensure your pets are registered with the Co-op.


In the same vein, you are responsible to register all vehicles associated with your house. Type of vehicle, colour and license plate. 




            Many of the Bell lines at just below the ground.  Be careful if you are in the back and doing gardening, because if you are not aware, you can cut your service.


Youth Initiatives

        I was approached and asked if there was any interest in a program for those ages 7 – 16.  I would like your feedback.  Is there an interest?  What would the youth like to see and be involved with?  Are there any adults interested in being part of this program?  Do you have an area of expertise you could offer as a lesson or mentor?  I look forward to your feedback.  Talk to your kids about this as well and get their ideas.


Feeding squirrels and birds

        A less I learned the other day about people who put peanuts out for squirrels.  A member told me that they had their vehicle serviced.  The mechanic asked if she fed squirrels.  She said no.  The mechanic said someone was, because there were peanuts up around her engine.  He said, someone had damage to the engine because of squirrels hiding the peanuts up in the car.

        Feeding birds continues to bring rats.  Please….





Thanks.  Thanks to those of you who pay your housing charges and garbage bills in full and on time. 

Thanks to those who keep the inside and outside of homes so well. 

Thanks to those who volunteer a minimum of 4 hours per month. 

Thanks to those who volunteer hours and hours and hours to the Co-op each month. 

Thanks to those who help out in as many ways as possible.

Thanks for being part of a caring neighbourhood and good to your neighbours.

It really does make a difference in the community.  It makes a difference in the lives of your children.  It makes a difference for you.