Just a number of items for you to review. Please make sure you read them.

– Annual Fall Clean up will be held on Saturday, November 11 on your street. We must co-ordinate our clean up with yard waste pick up. Clean up will start at 8:30 a.m.
– A big thank you to Aliki and those who helped with the Halloween Party. It was a lot of hard work and it paid off. I heard that everyone who come out had a great time. Thanks.
– Garbage bins –
Please remember to pay your garbage bill immediately, if you have not yet.
Also – there have been a number of complaints from members about their neighbours filling up someone else’s garbage bin. It is strongly suggested that you ask your neighbor before you put garbage in their bin.
• Toronto Hydro – the work will continue on November 15. When I receive updates about the dates and times they are coming to your unit, I will let you know.
They will require acess to all the garages on the day of the core drilling. They require a conduit Pathway through the garages, to connect to the Hydro Meters.
At the existing corner locations INSIDE of the garages where the Hydro meter is now, they will require a clean area to work with no obstructions.
They will not Start Core Drilling any location before 9:00 am
They will not core Drill any location after 4pm
– Thank you to the Newsletter Committee members. It was great that you started up and get the newsletter out.
– AIR CONDITIONING – please remember to turn off the air at the circuit breaker and cover the outside unit. The Rules Committee will be around checking these and your back yards.