209 & 215 – Members Complaining about visitor parking
VISITOR PARKING continues to be a problem, on all streets, but particularly at 209 and 215. I have been told that visitors have nowhere to park because residents are using all the spots. Some of those residents are CHEATING and using a visitor parking pass. You are reminded, that if you live here, you are NEVER allowed to use a visitor parking pass in a vehicle you drive. Your neighbours are reporting you to the office and rules committee and they are not pleased. You will receive a ticket, even if you use a pass in your vehicle.
Some members have been parking on Coronation and are finding it a good alternative – and the tickets are cheaper.
A few reminders:
– You need to change your furnace filter on a regular basis – even in the summer. Dirty filters makes your house dirty and if you have allergies, they will be worse.
– ‘IMPROVEMENTS” to your unit need to be approved by the maintenance committee. Submit your request in writing to the office.
– MISSING from the garage/shed: Rakes Tamper Post hole digger Electric weed eater and more.
If you have any of these items or anything else belonging to the Co-op, please return it immediately.
Also, please remember that you must sign out equipment that you borrow. The sign out sheet is in the shed. Thank you.
– While arrears are under control – and I thank you for that – we still have some families who never pay on time. Some need to make a greater effort to pay their housing charge on time and in full.
– GARBAGE BIN MONEY – every house has received at least two notices about garbage bin money is due to the Co-op. Many households still have not paid. PLEASE pay the garbage bin money immediately.
– YARDS & GRASS – several times a week members come to the office to legitimately complain about a neighbours front or back yard.
Are they complaining about you?
Take a look outside.
Is your grass neatly cut and trimmed?
Do you have ‘stuff’ around the front of your house making it look unkept?
Does your back yard look like a disaster?
Please clean up around your unit.
Most people are very property proud and you are thanked.