Hello everyone and I hope everyone is well.
As always, there are a few items I need to bring to your attention. It would be appreciated if you read all the information provided.
– Paint vouchers are available from the office;
– The vegetable and herb gardens are coming to the end of their season. If you want any veg’s etc, please help yourself. I see that there are cabbages, celery, herbs, beans and much more.
– Please remember that your vehicle needs to be totally in your driveway. This is most certainly a safety matter. You are reminded that you lived here before you purchased the vehicle and knew the size restrictions.
– All partners, boyfriend, girlfriends, etc who live in your unit that are not members – you are required by the by-laws to ask for guest status from the Board. Submit their name and vehicle info to the office and ask for guest status. It does not affect you status in the Co-op.
* please make sure there is nothing outside your fence. No bags, no garbage, no furniture, etc.;
* personal property should not be on common areas;
* clean up the leaves, etc around your curbs, front lawns and front doors. Again I remind you that leaves are great hiding spots for mice and rats;
* Fall clean up will be Saturday, November 20. In the interim, paper bags for yard waste are available from the laundry room in the office. Help yourself.;
– Inspections will be starting again soon. The process using I-Pads went very well in the spring and the committee will carry on using the same tools. Members found it a very easy and acceptable process as well. This was a great measure implemented by the Board during Covid and carried out by Inspection Committee members and Board members.;
Inspections are important for the property to ensure we know what repairs need to be done now and forecast for the future. While Archie is called to some houses regularly to do work, other houses do not call. We need to ensure all houses that need work either carry it out, or call the office.
We need to undertake inspections for insurance reasons as well.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Thank you to the following directors who agreed to stand as your Board of Directors. It is very time consuming and they are a dedicated group who work tirelessly for you.
Andy Ali – Chair
Winsome Smith – Vice Chair & Staff Liaison
Judy Brennan – Treasurer & Finance
Sabrina Ali – Corporate Secretary & Maintenance Liaison
Edwina Simmons – Inspection
Julie Bojcevski – Inspection, Participation & Social
Bernadette Henderson – Rules & Parking Enforcement
Melanie Grimbleby – Newsletter
Les DeSouza
Many members have started to ‘participate‘ again, now that some of the Covid restrictions have been lifted and the number of Covid illnesses is lower. While there are no in person meetings, Zoom is working well for most people.
Where would you like to participate? Outdoor clean up is always required.
If you were on the maintenance committee and want to start up again, drop a note or call the office.
Newsletter will be re-vamping.
Inspection is underway.
Finance is always meeting via Zoom.
The Board meets every two weeks or more often via Zoom.
Lock up people are doing their jobs.
Various individuals are out cleaning, cutting grass, blowing leaves, helping move appliances and other after hours jobs.
THANKS to all of you. Neilson Creek is only as successful as it is, in huge part to the great members who volunteer. Please remember to submit your participation time to the office.
Neilson Creek has won the annual award given by CHFT for “Best Web Page for Co-ops”. This is thanks to Andy Ali, who developed and takes care of our web page. Check it out at www.neilsoncreek.com
– Shut off and drain in both the backyard water supply and garage water supply;
– flip the air conditioner breaker to “OFF” position;
– make sure humidifier filter and catch tray are clean or replace the filter;
– ensure humidifier water supply is turned on and humistat at the furnace is on;
– clean all debris from backyard and front that could be used by wildlife for ‘nesting’
– change your furnace filter regularly
Have a great weekend.