I hope that everyone is enjoying the summer so far.

It’s nice to see that many more people are out enjoying some forms of socialization and fun for the kids.  Please stay safe.


There are a few things I wish to bring to your attention:

  • In the two attachments above, you will find the Bell Channel lists.  Everything highlighted in yellow, you will receive.  That includes, “Good, Better, Starter, Time-Shifting and Movies & Series.”  You can choose ten more channels from the “Pick 10 A La Carte List”.  If you don’t like what you first choose, you can change it next month!  Don’t forget,  if you are interested in the Bell telephone package, ask for details.  If you need more details on channels, you can check out Bell Fibe or call Bell.  Book your appointment!


  • SCAMS – you and me – we are receiving phone calls that are SCAMS.  The Co-op is not soliciting new hot water tanks.  NO. 
  • Toronto Hydro is calling to say you are in default of your bill.  NO.  Most people are not in default of their hydro bill.
  • Someone is using the Amazon label to also try and scam people.   
  • Be careful.  Stay aware.  There are lots of scams around.


  • KGO provides great updates on the community. (thestorefront.org)  Check it out for:
    • Community Supports, programs, jobs and training;
    • Covid vaccine rollout updates;
    • Guild Festival Theatre Program;
    • Kids read TO Virtual Book Club;
    • Native Family Services and so much more.  Look up the KGO.


  • The Co-op Housing Federation of Toronto is sponsoring a Randy Padmore Anti Racism Scholarship.  Check it out at CHFT.


Did you see the new sign on Manse Road? 

“Speed Camera Coming Soon”

It takes pictures of the car that is speeding and sends off a ticket to the person who owns the car.  No questions asked.  Just a fine.  Hopefully this will slow down the traffic on Manse Road.  In my opinion there are far too many cars and large trucks speeding.


  • Starting July 26, I will be on two weeks vacation.  If you can, please have your subsidy information in as early as possible.  Housing charge cheques will be deposited on the first as usual.  Thanks.


  • Well, this is a full week of Bell installing new services. Those who have the new Bell fibre installed are very happy, even though there have been some bumps in the road with missing or broken fibre optic lines. 

  • ROGERS products – modems, boxes, tv controller –  You will have to return all the Rogers items.  Remember – all the items you have were guaranteed by your credit card.  Be careful how you return the products.  Get a receipt at the store or post office so you are not on the hook for lost or misplaced items.


  • Auditors are due in the office starting next Monday.


  • Paint vouchers are available from the Co-op office.  Come and see us and we will issue you a voucher.


  • Planting installation will also start Monday at all the street signs.


  • Thanks also to Kenny for his work at the garbage huts interlocking stones.  He cleared all the weeds out and we will be putting down a product to impede weed growth.


  • Thanks to Danny for cutting grass around the property.


It is only with the ongoing dedication of members that Neilson Creek continues to flourish.  Thanks so much.