I hope everyone is doing well. If there is anything we can assist with, please let us know. You can reach me any time through e-mail.
[email protected]
If you need maintenance or any other matters, feel free to message any time.

There are a number of reminders, so I ask that you please read all the info.

  • As you know, we have had damage done to the property because of strangers, vagrants and people just doing terrible things to the Co-op and your property. If you see anything out of line, please call the non-emergency police number at 416-808-2222.
  • Make certain your front door is locked if you go out. Make certain your garage door is down for security and mice.
  • Security – please leave your outdoor lights on from dusk to dawn. It really only costs pennies.
  • DRAIN your pipes in the garage and the back yard. This will make sure you don’t have a flood in the spring.
  • Don’t forget to cover the air conditioning unit in your back yard.
  • Are there oil marks in your driveway? Please remember that you are responsible to clean it up.
  • NOTHING goes down the TOILET unless it came from you! No left overs, no rotten food, no cleaning out your fridge. NO to all of the above.
  • Please remember that any and all improvements must be put in writing and given to the maintenance committee for their approval. ALL improvements.

Respect of neighbours Everyone is reminded that this is a community of elders and young children, singles, couples and families. We need to be mindful of those around us – particularly the elderly and young children. We need to watch how we drive, how we take care of our property, behave with neighbours, keep a helpful eye out for others and so much more. Thank you for being a good neighbour and members of Neilson Creek.

  • Rogers – Everyone is entitled to 1 digital box and 2 standard boxes. The Rogers stores only carry digital boxes. To get standard boxes, you need to call Rogers at 1-866-902-9534

Thanks to all those who sent Halloween costume pictures. They were all fabulous and all will be receiving a $10.00 Dollarama gift card.

  • Again, there is a sign in sheet if you are out and shovel common area pathway or salt. Please sign the sheet in the office hall or drop me a quick e-mail. Thanks.

I would like to say thanks. There are so many fabulous people here who do so much. Some of the tasks are recognized while others are not.
Some people ‘participate’ like crazy and often what they do is under recognized. To you – I know who you are – I thank you. Everyone here gets to live a better, safer, less expensive, more inclusive life because of you. It is not lost on me or many others. Thank you.