THANK YOU – to the members of the Social Committee who produced a fabulous, fun and spooky Halloween for all! It doesn’t happen without many hours of planning and physical work to put it all together.
Also, thank you to the following for your great help with this event: Rhiannon, Brandon, Tristan, Johnny, Jake & rest of the Cotter family, Macarthur family, Angie, Gerry, Paul B., Nick, Cheyanne, Jocelyn and so many more. Thank you, thank you.
9:00 A.M.
All members are obligated to participate in the annual fall clean up.
You are asked to please pick up garbage, rake common areas and
rake your front and rear – in that order. Bags and sign in sheet will
be on your street.
Many areas are being cleaned up on a regular basis, but those
darn leaves keep falling!
It really does take an effort by everyone to do this task as to have a landscape company come in each week to clean the leaves would be a phenomenal amount of money. If you are unable to make clean up, we ask that you please clean up ahead of time and send your regrets to the office by way of the answering machine or [email protected] Thanks.
The Social Committee will be cleaning first and then serving hot drinks, hot dogs, etc.
.. important info over….
– You have noted that we are putting in a new path from 209 – 235 as well as at 245. We need to make certain we do not have any liability for individuals nor do we want to damage our equipment when plowing.
– Congratulations to Kenny & Linda who won the Fall Basket. It pays to buy tickets. Thank you.
– Visitor parking – Every household received a letter from the Board as well as a form to update various pieces of information. You were told that after November 4, the old visitor parking passes would not be accepted as we have new ones. Further, you were asked to hand in the forms by Nov 4 to get a new pass from the office.
– Deborah will be away for Thursday, November 7 and Monday November 11.
– GARBAGE BILLS were just received today. PLEASE PAY THE BILL WHEN YOU GET IT. I have had to send out 5, 6 7 and more notices to various households who have not paid their garbage will.
More from the Social Committee!!!
The Annual Christmas Party is being planned and they would like to make sure every child is accounted for.
Please remit the following information on your household on or before November 11. E-mail would be great – [email protected], or drop the info on a piece of paper in the office mailbox.
All children up to and including age 17 can be registered. Tell us your unit number as well as:
Unit: ______
Name of child: _______________________ Age: _______ Gender: ____
Name of child:________________________ Age: _______ Gender: ____
Name of child: ________________________ Age: _______ Gender: ____
Name of child: ________________________ Age: _______ Gender: ____
Continue for more children: