Happy Summer!
Various bits and notes and reminders:
- Thanks for supporting the Social Committee when they came selling tickets for the Mother’s and Father’s day baskets.
Winners of Father’s Day are: #103 – Kenneth Cole shirt; #49 – bbq accessories; #10 – bottle of spirits
Winners of Mother’s Day are: #66 – mani/pedi; #46 – wine
- Thanks to the diligent and hard working members of the Inspection Committee.
- Please remember that you cannot make improvements to the unit without the approval of the Maintenance Committee.
- CAMERAS – most of the new cameras are now installed and the quality is fabulous.
- Summer Students – we are looking for a summer student ages 16 – 18 for the position of assistant maintenance. It involves outdoor maintenance, grass, cleaning, painting and other tasks assigned. Monday through Thursday, $13.50 per hour. Please submit resume to the office by 5:00 Monday, June 25 if you are interested.
- BELL will be in during August to install fiberoptic. They will be coming in through the back yards. Clear and clean access to your yard is necessary.
- Please don’t feed the racoons!!!
- Paint vouchers are available from the office. Paint for your fence is also available.
P A R T I C I P A T I O N – what do you contribute to the Co-op?
We have many different areas that you could assist with. Look out your window at the common areas. Clean, cut, trim, water and more.