I hope all are well and enjoyed the Family Day weekend.

There is lots happening around the Co-op, but that is not unusual!

There are a number of items before the Board at this time.  The matters include, but not limited to:

        Risk Management program by the insurance company, not only requires you (as members) to complete a form, but expects the Board to recognize and adopt resolutions; attend Zoom meetings where attendance is taken; partake in e-learning module, etc.  It is a lot of responsibility and time they commit for this.

        Mortgage – we are working very hard with a number of banks and agencies to try and secure a mortgage for Neilson Creek in order to move forward on the “Building Envelope Renovation and Retrofit”.   I had no idea that it would take this type of time and effort to secure a loan.  Two banks even asked for the Directors to offer personal surety on the loans.  We continue to work with both banks and a mortgage company as well as Co—op organizations to secure a mortgage at the best price and terms possible.

The Board is also dealing with various legal matters on your behalf.

George Barlow Co-op has an open waiting list for one bedroom apartments.

630 Middlefield Road

Scarborough, ON  M1V 2Z1




Neilson Creek’s Community Gardens

Last year, we had two community gardens. Are you interested in part of this project? Members plant and reap the benefits of the vegetables and herbs that are planted. It really is a beautiful project.

Do you have any ideas about the vegetable and herb gardens? For example, what about if we had one planter that was just for herbs? For example, parsley, coriander, rosemary, thyme, basil and many more. The other planters could be for vegetables. We really would like your input. Please call or write the office.

Interested in helping with the flower gardens at the entrance of the cul de sacs? If so, please let Deborah know.

Remember, the entrance of the Co-op speaks volumes about the rest of the street. Do you live at the entrance? How your house looks is a direct reflection of the rest of the cul de sac. Please look outside at your unit and clean up, if necessary.

Dog Poop

The office has received a number of complaints about dog poop and the fact that there is so much not picked up around the property.

The main complaints come concerning poop not picked up in back yards; along the boulevard on Manse Road and along 209/215 between visitor parking and the basketball court.

          Please do your part and pick up every time.  There are about 20 dogs who lives on 209/215.  If everyone picked up every time, it would be appreciated.  Others from off the property also walk their dogs here.  But, if you can take care of the pets that live here, it is a step in the right direction.


  • Water on the kitchen counters continues to be a concern.  Everyone MUST wipe up the water around the taps each time the water is run.  This is causing great damage on counter tops.  Please wipe up the counter each time you run the water, or leave a tea towel there to absorb the water.
  • The FOOD PANTRY for the Co-op is located in the office laundry room.  It is stocked with rice, pasta, boxed potatoes, soups, beans, brownie mix, vegetables, ramen, tin goods and so much more. 

If you need to use the food pantry, simply come to the office and take what you need.  No one is watching.  It is there to be used.  Please feel free to use the pantry up until 9:45 p.m.  No one is in the office/meeting rooms most nights and weekends.  Your visit will be confidential.

Thank you to those who are contributing food to the pantry. It can’t happen without you.

Please pay your garbage bill on or before February 27.

Participation is certainly coming back.  The Board, Finance, Reconciliation (formerly Rules), Social & Newsletter are in full swing.   Lock up members participate 12 months a year.   The Participation Committee is getting ready to move forward as well.

Where are you participating?  It doesn’t have to be on a committee, it can be hands on, as many do.  Just tell the office what you are doing or what you would like to do.

We could do with volunteers to clean the meeting room and common areas at various times. Please let me know if you can help out.

At this time, I am busy working on the budget for the upcoming year. It is quite a task. It is particularly daunting because of the huge retro fit project we are planning. That will cost approximately $4.5 million. Please remember that for every 1% increase in housing charges, it only gives $10,000 per year to the Co-op. That is less than the cost of a new bathroom. We replaced 20 fridges last year, many stoves, many, many furnaces and air conditioning units, over $25,500 for the emergency sewer issue the bottom of 209, fencing replacement and playground repairs equal $80,000, 8 kitchens and so much more.

Hoping that we don’t get a lot more snow!  Keep the sun coming!