
If we had 200 units here we could have easily rented them last Monday. The list opened at exactly 9:00 a.m. and was filled by 9:45 a.m. We took the first 30 families who registered.

Many, many more wanted to register, but it was unfortunate that they called too late. We will see how the list goes and who knows ….. maybe we will open the list again. It was certainly crazy! You are reminded that should the list open again, it is your responsibility to make sure they call at the time noted. Many members and family and friends were very upset they missed the open list.

You should be proud however, to know that so many want to live here. The monthly charge, overall condition of the units, location, common areas and play areas and word of mouth about the greatness of the community certainly make it easy to fill the lists.

Sorry to those who did not make the registration .


Coffee, tea, sweets and Giffen Mack’s seminar Giffen Mack has offered to come and discuss funeral pre-planning, and having a conversation with our families . They will talk to us on all aspects of planning including power of attorneys, need to protect our families, etc. Funeral Pre-Planning presents us with a difficult conversation most of us don’t want to have, simply because it is not easy to think about our own mortality or that of those we love, much less discuss it. But Funeral Pre-planning is not about death or dying, it is about protecting ourselves and our loved ones, and taking responsibility for the choices that should really be ours to make. When we preplan, we have the easy conversation: Making plans with the input of our loved ones, and making important decisions with a clear and objective mind. We can also take advantage of the financial benefits of preplanning by making easy, fully-insured payments over time and locking in the cost thereby guarding against future price increases. Doesn’t it make sense to have the easy conversation today? Join us on Wednesday, November 28th, 7:00 p.m. at the Co-op office.


Santa Claus is coming to Neilson Creek

On Friday, December 7, Santa is coming to Neilson Creek. You can sit on his lap and tell him all about your Christmas dreams. Mrs Claus will there to help as well. Come for the Christmas stories, gifts, music, fire pit, treats, friendship and so much more. We could do with some help. Call Jasmine or Aliki to offer your help. There is decorating inside and out to be done, gift wrapping, errands and more that we need your help with. Ongoing work … As you can see, the eavestrough and downspouts are being cleaned and snaked out. There is a lot of debris down the downspouts and we are pleased that this is being done. Along with cleaning the eaves, there are gutter guards being installed. It is hoped that this will prevent the long ice cycles from forming in the winter and the need to have eaves cleaned twice a year.