Happy new year. Best wishes for good health and happiness for the upcoming year.

A number of families in the Co-op have experienced deaths in their families over the past two weeks. Please accept our condolences on your loss.

– Hydro is returning to continue/finish work in here. They will begin on January 15 and they will leave a notice in your mailbox.
– Please remember to change your furnace filters monthly. Not only will it keep your house cleaner but also help with the spreading of flu and cold germs.
– Please don’t shovel on the street. Pile the snow on your own lawn.
– We need help – help cleaning rec centre. If you are willing, please let us know.
– We need help – to take down the Christmas tree and other decorations.
– We need help – our snow blower/plow is out for service. If it is not back by Friday, we could do with help from a number of people to shovel the internal path and the sidewalk on Manse Road as well as around the office.
– Please send your vehicle info to the office. Type of vehicle, colour and plate.
– If you have a non-member adult living in your unit, please remember that you must request guest status from the Board. Just drop a note in the office (or an e-mail) stating the person’s name and ask for guest status.
– Fine for parking in the cul de sac or garbage hut is $250.00. Please stay off the cul de sac and garbage hut.
– Budget planning meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 24 from 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. in the upstairs meeting room. All are welcome to bring their budget input ideas.
– PLEASE pay your outstanding garbage bin amounts immediately. The next garbage bill is coming.

[email protected]