There are no changes in the housing charges for the new fiscal year. Housing Charges effective June 1, due in the office no later than May 25 are as follows:
2 bedroom $829.
3 bedroom $927.
4 bedroom $1,026.

All of your cheques have run out.  YOU need to replace your cheques so that you don’t have to pay a late fine.

** our arrears are very low and I thank you for that.  HOWEVER,  34 households have not paid their garbage bin amount that was given to you in March.  PLEASE PAY IMMEDIATELY.  These amounts need to be paid before the year end which is in less than 2 weeks.  Thank you.

Most all of the 3 bedroom units are having the front concrete work done, as was approved by the Maintenance Committee.
The new pads will be 6’ wide and 8’ deep.
If you need to remove plants, bushes, etc. from the front of your unit, please do so.

While most households participation, many do not.  Are you one of those households that does not participate?  We need you to either help with the outside work (trim, cut grass, paint, plant flowers, clean flower beds, general outside clean up and rec centre cleaning and painting).  Let us know what you will do.  Thanks.

AERATION – the company will be here the week of the 23rd to do aeration of your front law and common areas.  It really helps promote good grass growth.