March 19, 2020


Dear Members,

March has certainly been an interesting month so far, to say the least.  Please take a minute to read the following updates and guidelines.

If you are feeling sick, PLEASE DO NOT visit the office; email instead.   Don’t forget to wash your hands.

As you may know, our general meeting has been postponed.  We are working on an alternate date and location, and will let you know as soon as we have that information.

Deborah will be working from home.  You can email her with any questions, work orders, or requests at [email protected].  For any on-site issues or questions, you can also email Mel at melanie.grimbleby [at] gmail.com.  Archie will only be in very occasionally, and otherwise be on-call for emergencies.  Please email Deborah with any work orders.  Ken Joncas is also available for maintenance questions.

The office mailboxes will be checked on a regular basis, so feel free to keep dropping off paperwork.  The pre-authorized debits have been set up for April 1, and all housing charges will go through as normal, whether by cheque or electronically.

If you have been sent home from work, or are self-isolating, and aren’t getting paid, there is plenty of subsidy available.  This can be temporary or permanent.  If your pay isn’t coming in, please contact Deborah.  As of today, government cheques are still being sent out.

You must contact the office to apply for subsidy, or contact the Finance Committee to work it out.  DO NOT simply withhold your housing charges without communicating; our bylaws and normal procedures still apply.  If you fall behind on housing charges and don’t communicate, you could be sent to the Finance Committee and/or the Board, as usual.

Don’t forget to wash your hands.

Co-op business will continue as normal as possible.  The Board is still meeting through teleconference.  All other committees should be suspended.  If committee chairs have questions, please ask your Board liaison.

The upstairs meeting room will be closed until further notice.

Rogers has added some free channels (Disney, FX, Hollywood Suite, and BBC Earth among them), and are waiving long-distance phone fees within Canada.  There will be no yard waste pickup until at least April 6, but regular green bin, garbage, and recycling pickup will continue.


As always, keep an eye on each other, help each other out if you can, and we’ll be just fine.  We have already heard of members looking out for each other, which is fantastic.  Take care of your physical and mental health as well.  Attached is a list of numbers, websites, and emails that you may find useful.  And, don’t forget to wash your hands.

Your Board of Directors