On March 23, 2016 at 7:30pm we held our Annual General Meeting and passed the minutes from the last AGM. Tom Clement, Executive Director of CHFT, spoke on the topic of subsidy surplus and the recent Liberal Budget that promises financial support for those in need of subsidy and expressed that the terms and qualifications still need to be made public, from the Liberal Government.
The Board of Directors moved a motion in regards to our subsidy surplus fund on whether it remain in our subsidy surplus fund for its current members or be moved to the Capital Reserve.
The motion was first, seconded and then discussed in detail by the Members. After a lengthy discussion and debate, a member called the question and a secret ballot vote took place. Members in attendance received a ballot and were given the opportunity to cast their vote.
Ballots were counted and 66% of the Members in attendance voted YES in favour of the Board’s recommendation.
As no other business was brought forward after the announcement, the meeting was adjourned.
Comments from the Board Chair (Les D.)
Based on the results our Present Members can breathe easier, in knowing that there is still some funds available for subsidy, based on the acceptance of the motion presented by the board and accepted by 66% of those members present to vote.